#medical devices

Clinical Evaluation of Orphan Medical Devices
What is a Orphan Medical Device? Orphan devices (ODs) are medical devices or their accessories,...
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Microplastic Ban: Impact on Medical Devices and Cosmetic Products
Starting from 17 October 2023, the EU will enforce a new regulation (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU)...
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March Regulatory Updates
Biocides: BPC Updates During its February meeting, the Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) of the European...
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November Regulatory Updates
PVC additives and microparticle releases: The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has conducted a thorough investigation...
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Prorogation for submission and authorisations of DEHP application for MD and IVD
Where we stand with MDR and IVDR European regulations about Medical Devices (Reg. EU 2017/745)...
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Latest Updates on Medical Devices
[vc_acf field_group="1287" field_from_1287="field_5a155fb5628a4"] [vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1538a612368"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a15385612367"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1539cf1236a"] [latest_post type="minimal"...
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Le novità introdotte nella 12a revisione delle SCCS Notes of guidance for the testing of cosmetic ingredients and their safety evaluation
Il Comitato Scientifico per Sicurezza dei Consumatori (SCCS) è incaricato di valutare la sicurezza e...
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Common criteria for claims used in relation to cosmetic products
[vc_acf field_group="1287" field_from_1287="field_5a155fb5628a4"] [vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1538a612368"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a15385612367"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1539cf1236a"] [latest_post type="minimal"...
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MDR avanti adagio: Eudamed vedrà la luce nel 2024
[vc_acf field_group="1287" field_from_1287="field_5a155fb5628a4"] [vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1538a612368"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a15385612367"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1539cf1236a"] [latest_post type="minimal"...
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Labels for Cosmetic Products
[vc_acf field_group="1287" field_from_1287="field_5a155fb5628a4"] [vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1538a612368"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a15385612367"][vc_acf field_group="1287" show_label="yes" field_from_1287="field_5a1539cf1236a"] [latest_post type="minimal"...
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