July Regulatory Updates
ECHA: New EU-Wide Project to Ensure Correct Classification and Labelling of Hazardous Mixtures Objective of...
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April Regulatory Updates
Biocides: IUCLID Version 8.0.1 Launches with Comprehensive Updates New Format Enhancements: IUCLID version 8.0.1 is...
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March Regulatory Updates
Biocides: BPC Updates During its February meeting, the Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) of the European...
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October Regulatory Updates
Recent Regulatory Developments in Biocidal Active Substances: The European Union has recently published a series...
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September Regulatory Updates
Regolamentazione EU sulle PFAS: La proposta dell’UE di restringere l’uso delle PFAS ha sollevato dubbi...
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La nuova restrizione REACH sulla formaldeide e sui rilasciatori di formaldeide
La formaldeide e i suoi molteplici usi: La formaldeide è una sostanza chimica che, a...
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August Regulatory Updates
ECHA: Updates on Battery Regulations: ECHA Takes on New Responsibilities for Safer Batteries The European...
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Glyphosate: free to go again
On the 6th of July, the EFSA released the very long-awaited conclusion on the safety...
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June Regulatory Updates
ECHA: EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foams warranted The Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) of...
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Sostanze perfluoroalchiliche (PFAS)
Cosa sono i PFAS? I PFAS (sostanze perfluoroalchiliche) sono una grande famiglia di migliaia di...
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