August Regulatory Updates
Cosmetics: European Commission Continues to Reject Fragrance Industry's Safety Assessment Method SCCS Review on QRA...
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July Regulatory Updates
ECHA: New EU-Wide Project to Ensure Correct Classification and Labelling of Hazardous Mixtures Objective of...
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Understanding Skin Sensitizers: Allergies, Risks, and Protective Measures
What Are Skin Sensitizers? In recent years, we have increasingly discussed allergies and observed a...
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April Regulatory Updates
Biocides: IUCLID Version 8.0.1 Launches with Comprehensive Updates New Format Enhancements: IUCLID version 8.0.1 is...
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New CLP Hazard Classes
On 03/31/2023, the European Commission published in the Official Journal Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/707, which...
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REACH and CLP: What’s your Role and Obligations?
An overview on REACH Regulation REACH (Regulation n. 1907/2006) is a European Regulation, adopted to...
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July Regulatory Updates
REACH: Formaldeide e Rilasciatori di formaldeide. È stato pubblicato il Regolamento 2023/1464 che modifica l’Allegato...
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L’etichettatura dei prodotti fitosanitari
A cosa serve l’etichetta di un prodotto? L’etichetta deve offrire al consumatore indicazioni sul prodotto...
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March Regulatory Updates
ECHA: ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) supports the proposed restriction on per- and polyfluoroalkyl...
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February Regulatory Updates
Pharma: È disponibile un file contenente i Valori Limite di Esposizione Professionale definiti dall’American Conference...
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